Monday, June 25, 2007

A Peek into my sketchbook...

Well, if you know me, than you know how my studio normal
ly looks--paper scraps strewn hither and thither, unopened mail in stacks, and hordes of envelopes atop scores of paper. It's not necessarily a me anyway!

My sketchbook is similar. In fact, it's not even a book. It probably was
once, like back in college when it needed to be handed in and graded. Now it's leafs of paper torn from my tracing tablet, or the back of an old mortgage statement. I keep the "book" which is actually a folder full of these brain farts on paper, in a little porta-filer-job type thing. And for your viewing pleasure I'm sharing a few snippets with you.

This is how it generally start idea in pencil on paper, then refined in pencil with tracing paper, then refined a second or third time usually! If it's a lucky drawing it ends up in color pencil on tracing paper and as a notecard that I wish
for you to
someday send!


TrueMirage said...

thanks for sharing! I love seeing how other people work.

pamela michelle said...

Nice sketches!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What really impresses me is that I think I am the one that introduced the phrase "brain farts" to you! I am so proud!

I'm going to keep checking in on your awesome work, Alissa.