Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Holiday Card
Originally uploaded by mewpaperarts.
When do stores start going Christmas Crazy, October? I feel like when the Easter Bunny is on his way out he's high-fiving Santa on his way in! Well in the spirit of jamming the holiday cheer down your throat, here's a sneak peek of something you can expect to see in the Mew Paper Arts collection this fall!


Anonymous said...

very quaint - oh , by the way , didn't your nephew turn ONE!!!!??

Sadie Lou said...

Those cards are adorable! I love them. Thanks for stopping by to visit me. I bookmarked you and will add your link to your sidebar.

Ellen said...

that giraffe design is flippin adorable!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Oh super cute!! I'm going to have to check out your things.

(found you on the etsy blog roll call)

Blooming Lily said...

Those are amazing. You are so talented!