Monday, August 27, 2007

Home Improvements

Originally uploaded by mewpaperarts.
Yeah, so you know HGTV? They're full of crap. It's nearly, it IS impossible to complete any home improvement projects in two days or less. This heft project took us three full working weekends.

The kitchen was a horrendous shade of pickled wood before a nasty pinkish tone. So in phase 1 of renovations we've painted and "distressed" the cabinets to give them that sassy Shabby Chic look.

As we were taking the doors off initially I mentioned, in passing, that it might be insightful of us to mark which doors came from where. But Dino, in his omnipotent confidence found that extranneous. Welllll...such lack of planning led to approximately 394 attempts at rehanging the doors in the right place. I'm no contractor, but once in a while I get a good idea.

Well, the hard part is over and now we have cabinets that we're too nervous about ruining to actually use. The Fantastic bottle is getting a lot of use as i go about chasing finger prints on the doors!

I'll keep you posted as phases 2 (a granite countertop later this month) and 3 (a pressed tin backsplash) progress.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mew for Kittens
Originally uploaded by mewpaperarts.
Oh the Gocco! Oh, oh, oh the Gocco! What fun I had. Thanks to my dear friend Heatherjeany over at Etsy (who's having a kitten of her own soon!) I got the hang of this little device and had a lot of fun playing. I did waste three white onesies trying to get things just so. I really like the way the blue looks on the turquoise top. Have babies, and then make them wear these.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Originally uploaded by mewpaperarts.
That's me singing and chanting the joy of the free-ness of this delightful find! They were throwing this sucker away at my office because they got some fancy schmancy new stuff. Well, I've been eyeing these in the Staples catalog--do you know how much they cost new? Well, neither do I exactly, but it's way more than FREE! Now, it's looking a bit pathetic at the moment with only three piles of paper in the slots, but I have a gigantic shipping due in tomorrow or Friday and I will organize the bejeevers out of it! Could you imagine the free-for-all if I could get my hands on one of those p-touch labeler gizmos?

Sun Salutation
Originally uploaded by mewpaperarts.
I was twiddling away at my desk with a very specific idea in my head to design something with a fluffy dandelion. It was all figured out, and then that concept was pushed out of my tightly packed brain to make room for this one! I definitely can't keep too much information in there at a time. So instead of a soft, organic dandelion I ended up with these sharp, modern circles that have this weird undulating effect when you look at them--and that's withOUT mind-altering substances. They're a delcious orange color with a soft grey printed on shimmering silver paper. Buy them here. Do it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mew is spreading...

Originally uploaded by mewpaperarts.
Be careful or you'll catch it! This hefty pile of goodies went out early Monday morning for shipping--some to Texas, some to North Carolina and even some to Australia! Every little sale I make via Etsy is such a treat! I love spreading the love! Won't you join me? Tell your friends, tell your sister, tell your boyfriend's sister. If you have time, you can even tell your boyfriend's sister's sister.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dudes, the WTF Department has been busy!

Well I totally intended the "Updates from the WTF Department" to be a weekly thing, at most. But on my trip to Trader Joe's at lunch today I encountered so much weirdness that it really couldn't wait.

Trader Joe's, if you don't know, is a kind of small, alterna-market. They have an artist who paints their signs and windows. Well, did I ever learn something about that artist today! LOOK at this picture of little Susie Q. and her mom on the mountaintop! Is it just me or does that knee look dangerously like a giant boner??? Yeah, I thought so. I pointed out my photo to the clerk and he said the artist "sneaks" in naughty images when she can get away with it! They actually had to REMOVE the one with the giant baguette poking northward out of a busy shopper's crotch!!! I got such a huge kick out of this that I felt I needed to share it with you all.

Oh, but it didn't end there. While mindlessly browsing the fruit and giving the white nectarines a squeeze I encountered THIS sassy fella! Oh, that's right, he's a fella, not a lady! Though I bet you chicks wish you had a set of gams like this guy! Yeah. Those are platform peep-toe wedge heels he's sporting.
